Case Study

Hall Analytic Laboratories

01 / Case Study

Hall Analytic Laboratories

Hall Analytical, a provider of bespoke analytical services including mass spectrometry, elemental analysis, and spectroscopy, has recently expanded its operations by setting up a new state-of-the-art laboratory within an existing building.

Location / Manchester

Contract Value / £2m

Architect / N/A

Client / MTX Contracts

Completion / 2020

02 / Overview

Overview of the Hall Analytic Laboratories project

The fit-out of the laboratory comprised eight labs, including an LC-MS lab, GC-MS labs, an inorganics lab, wet labs, vape testing labs, and ancillary areas.

The new laboratory has been designed and equipped to meet the increasing demand for analytical services from Hall Analytical’s customers. With the expansion, Hall Analytical will be able to perform more sample analysis, which is essential to the growth of their business. This new laboratory provides the necessary accommodation and laboratory facilities to meet the growing demands of the business.

The LC-MS lab is equipped with cutting-edge technology that allows for the detection of trace amounts of compounds in complex samples. The GC-MS labs, on the other hand, are designed for the analysis of volatile organic compounds and are equipped with state-of-the-art gas chromatography-mass spectrometry equipment. The inorganics lab is designed to carry out elemental analysis, and the wet labs are equipped to carry out general chemical analyses. The vape testing labs are designed to analyze e-cigarettes and vaping liquids.

The ancillary areas of the laboratory include sample preparation rooms, storage rooms, and offices for the laboratory staff. The laboratory has been designed to ensure that the end users can carry out more sample analysis.

03 / Contact

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