01 / Carbon Reduction Plan
DSSR fully support the UK Government’s target of Net Zero Carbon by 2050.
As Consultants and MEP Designers, we fully understand the importance of tackling the climate emergency head-on; that is why DSSR has pledged to achieve Net Zero Carbon in our own operations by 2045.
02 / Net Zero Carbon
The world is facing a climate emergency like never before. Since the industrial revolution, human activities have had a detrimental effect on our climate.
Anthropogenic activities have led to a sharp increase in carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases (GHGs) in our atmosphere. Extreme weather events, increased global temperatures and rising sea levels are already affecting every inhabited region across the world. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warn if immediate action is not taken to limit carbon dioxide and GHG emissions the effects of climate change will increase in severity. That is why in 2019 the UK Government became the first major economy to legislate against climate change and have set the target to be Net Zero by 2050.
To achieve Net Zero Carbon, total greenhouse gas emissions generated by an organisation must be equal to or less than the emissions removed from the environment. As Building Services Engineers, DSSR understand the importance of our role in facilitating others to understand this concept and adapt to a low carbon future. As a business, we are perfectly placed to support the transition to a Net Zero Carbon economy.
As leading providers of sustainable building design, and with 75 years of industry experience in the built environment, DSSR have the ability to influence and inform building design in a holistic way.
From the outset, DSSR engages with clients and support them in their aspirations to develop and construct low energy, Net-Zero and decarbonised buildings.
We understand the benefits of low energy, low carbon and sustainable design, not only for our clients but for the advantages they bring to our own operations. Sustainability and efficiency are key to lowering operational costs, increasing the health and wellbeing of those we work for and with, helping to reduce supply chain risks and promoting best practices within our industry.
Please click here to review the DSSR Carbon Reduction Plan.