Case Study

Manchester Joint Hospitals

01 / Case Study

Manchester Joint Hospitals

Large-scale, combined hospital development.

Location  /  Manchester

Contract Value  /  £370m

Architect  /  Anshen Allen

Client  /  Bovis Land Lease

Completion  /  2009

02 / Overview

Overview of Manchester Joint Hospitals project

The Manchester New Hospitals Development was an amalgamation of three Manchester hospitals on the site of the Manchester Royal Infirmary. The scheme created five new state-of-the-art hospitals: a new Royal Infirmary, Children’s Hospital, Royal Eye Hospital, and St Mary’s Hospital for Women and Children. The development also included a separate Mental Health Unit, CSS, Clinical Sciences and Genetics and Research Laboratories.

DSSR was responsible for the strategic MEP design of what was a new, major acute PFI hospital project on the pre-existing Manchester Royal Infirmary site. The project required multiple phases to construct the new hospital across the site.

An amalgamation of three Manchester hospitals, The Manchester New Hospitals Development scheme created five new state-of-the-art hospitals: a new Royal Infirmary, Children’s Hospital, Royal Eye Hospital, and St Mary’s Hospital for Women and Children.

The development also included a separate Mental Health Unit, CSS, Clinical Sciences and Genetics and Research Laboratories.

In total 150,000m2 of floor space was provided in a total of 20 new buildings.

Accommodation within the dedicated Children’s hospital includes:

  • Children’s Accident and Emergency Unit with a dedicated entrance
  • Paediatric Outpatients
  • PICU
  • Burns Outpatients and Inpatients, including Burns Theatre
  • Renal
  • MRI/CT/Imaging
03 / Contact

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